Thursday, October 6, 2011

Protests in America - message from leftist movements?

from OnIslam & News Agencies
Thursday, 06 October 2011 13:43
Wall Street, protest, economic inequality
Occupy Wall Street demonstrators protest economic inequality and power of US economic institutions
NEW YORK – Thousands of anti-Wall Street demonstrators marched on New York's financial district on Wednesday, October 5, to protest economic inequality and the power of US financial institutions.
"I am a mother. I want a better world for my children," Lisa Clapier, 46, a producer who lives in Venice, California, told Reuters.
Nearly 5,000 protestors of the Occupy Wall Street movement gathered in New York's financial district to denounce the Wall Street bailout in 2008, which they say left banks to enjoy huge profits while average Americans suffered under high unemployment and job insecurity with little help from the federal government.
"They got bailed out, we got sold out" and "Join our ranks, stop the banks" were among slogans chanted by protestors in San Francisco.
A dozen people were arrested in New York, including one who was charged with assault on a police officer who was knocked from his scooter, according to police spokesman Paul Browne.
Others who were arrested had tried to break through a police barricade, Browne said.

In Seattle, where protesters had set up an encampment in a city park, about two dozen people were arrested for defying police orders to dismantle their tents.
"The cops are doing their job, and we're going to let them do their job. Then we'll come back and occupy the park again," Michael Trimarco, 39, an unemployed carpenter, told Reuters.
Joining the march in New York were members of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Communications Workers of America, the Amalgamated Transit Union and National Nurses United.
"Our workers are excited about this movement. The coun

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