Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Saturday, August 3, 2013
බොන්නේ වස දියයි පූරුවෙ කළ පවට දුන්නේ කවුද මේ දුක රතුපස්වලට - from an email
බොන්නේ වස දියයි පූරුවෙ කළ පවට
දුන්නේ කවුද මේ දුක රතුපස්වලට
මේ වතුරෙන් මූණ හේදුවොත් ඇස් අන්ධ වෙනවා...
නාන්න, බොන්න බෑ...!
සියනෑකෝරළය ඇවිළුණේය. ගම්මාන දොළහක මිනිස්සු පාරට බැස උද්ඝෝෂණ කළහ. ගම්මු පාරට බැස තිබුණේ ප්රදේශයේ ජල සම්පත ආරක්ෂා කර දෙන්නැයි කියන්නටය. රතුපස්වල, නැදුන්ගමුව ප්රදේශයේ පිහිටා ඇති කර්මාන්තශාලාවකින් පරිසරයට මුදාහරින විෂ රසායනික ද්රව්ය නිසා ප්රදේශයේ භූගත ජලයට ඇසිඩ් එකතු වී ඇති බව ප්රදේශවාසීහු කියති. ගැටලුව තරමක් බරපතළය. ඇසිඩ් යනු වසය. එසේ නම් වස බී මිනිස්සු මැරෙන්නට පෙර මේ ජල ගැටලුව ගැන සොයා බලන්නට අපිදු එම ගම්මානවලට ගියෙමු.
ප්රදේශය පුරා ජල ටැංකිය. තැන තැන කතා බහ කරන්නෙත් වතුර ගැනය. මුළු ප්රදේශයම ගල් වැදුණු දෙබරයක් වැනිය. අප එම ප්රදේශයට යන විටත් මහර ආසන සංවිධායක ලසන්ත අලගියවන්න නියෝජ්ය ඇමැතිතුමා ප්රමුඛ මන්ත්රීවරු කිහිප දෙනෙක්ම වැලිවේරිය සභාවේ පන්සලට රැස් වී ජල ගැටලුව සම්බන්ධයෙන් ප්රදේශවාසීන් සමග සාකච්ඡා කරමින් සිටියහ. ගම්වැසියෝ විශාල පිරිසක් එතැන වූහ. අපි එතැනට යන විටත් ගම්මුන්ගේ ප්රශ්න පොදිය ඇමැතිවරයා ඉදිරියේ ලිහා අවසන්ය. කතා බහ තරමක් ඝෝෂාකාරීය. අපි ද සවන් දී සිටියෙමු.
"සර්... මේ ප්රශ්නය අද ඊයේ ආපු එකක් නෙමෙයි. මේ පැක්ටි්රය පටන් අරගෙන දැන් අවුරුදු පහළොවකටත් වැඩියි. මුලින්ම පැක්ටි්රයෙන් පිට කරන විෂ ද්රව්ය නිසා පහළ කුඹුරු කරන්න බැහැ කියලා මිනිස්සු පාරට බැස්සා. හිමින් සරේ ඒක යට යෑව්වා. ඊට පස්සේ විෂ දුම් පිට කරන එකට විරුද්ධව මිනිස්සු පාරට බැස්සා. ඒකත් යට ගියා. දැන් අපේ ගම්වල කිසිම ළිඳකින් වතුර බොන්න බැහැ. රජයේ රස පරීක්ෂකවරු ඇවිත් ජල සම්පල් ගෙනිහින් දැන් දවස් ගානක් වෙනවා තවම වාර්තා නැහැ. මීට ඉස්සරත් පැක්ටි්රයට විරුද්ධව මිනිස්සු පාරට බැහැපු අස්ථාවල මන්ත්රීවරු ඇවිත් බොරු කියලා ප්රශ්නය යට ගැහුවා. මේ පාර නම් එහෙම කරන්න දෙන්නෙ නැහැ. දැන දැනත් අපිට ඇසිඩ් බීලා මැරෙන්න බැහැ...
රැස්ව සිටි පිරිස මීයට පිම්බා සේය. එක් කාන්තාවකගේ හඬ පමණක් බණ මඩුව පුරා දෝංකාර දුන්නාය.
"අපි ළිඳෙන් වතුර ඇදගෙන බීපු මිනිස්සු. අපිට ඔය ක්ලෝරීන් වතුර බීලා පුරුදු නැහැ. ගම පුරා තියෙන ටැංකිවලට ගහන වතුරවලත් රොඩු. අනිත් එක ඒ වතුර කොහෙන් ගේනවාද කියලා අපි දන්නෙත් නැහැ."
"හරි... හරි... අපි මේ ප්රශ්නයට ඉක්මනට විසඳුමක් හොයනවා. එතකම් ඔය ටැංකිවල වතුර බොන්න කෝ..."
ගම්වැසි කාන්තාවගේ දිගට ඇදෙන කතාවට බලහත්කාරයෙන් විරාමයක් තැබූ ඇමැතිවරයා උණුසුම් ස්වභාවය මඟහරින්නට නිවුණු විසඳුමක් දුන්නේය. ඇමැතිවරයාගේ විසඳුම ගැන සෑහීමකට පත් නොවූ ගම්මු උරණ වූහ. මිනිස්සු කියන්නේ කුමක්දැයි හරි හැටි තේරුම් ගැනීමට නොහැකි තරමට ඝෝෂාව වැඩි විය. එන පොට හොඳ නැති බව දැන් ගත් මැති ඇමැතිවරු එතැනින් හිමින් සෑරේ ලිස්සා සැප වාහනවලට නැඟ යන්න ගියහ.
සියනෑකෝරළය යනු ලංකාවේ පිරිසිදුම ජල සම්පතට උරුමකම් කියන ප්රදේශයකි. එහෙත් අද සියනෑවේ ගම්මාන දොළහක ජලය පානයට නුසුදුසු බව ජාතික ජල සම්පාදන සහ ජලාපවහන මණ්ඩලය දැනුම් දී ඇත. එනම් නැදුන්ගමුව, රතුපස්වල, ඇඹරළුව, සිවුරළුමුල්ල, ඌරුවල, බුත්පිටිය, මාහරගම, පිළිකුත්තුව, කතුරුවත්ත, කිඹුල්ගොඩ, මල්වතුහිරිපිටිය, මාලිගාතැන්න සහ වැලිවේරිය යන ගම්මාන මේ ව්යසනයට මුහුණු පා සිටී.
ගම්මුන්ගේ ඝෝෂාව තරමක් පහව ගිය විට ප්රදේශයේ දැවෙන ප්රශ්නය ගැන කරුණු කරණා විමසා බැලීමට අපි ගම්මු අතරට ගියෙමු.
"මම ඔය පැක්ටි්රයෙ අවුරුදු ගාණක් වැඩ කරපු කෙනෙක්... මම හොඳට දන්නවා ඕක ඇතුළෙ වෙන දේවල්. ඒ දේවල් ගැන අහන්න ගිහින් තමයි අපිව ඕකෙන් එළියට දැම්මෙත්..."
පිරිස අතරින් එක් තරුණයෙක් පෙරට පැමිණ කතාවට එසේ මුල පිරුවේය. ඔහු චමින්ද විඡේසේකරය. දැන් අපි ඔහුගේ කතාවට සවන් දෙමු.
ඔය පැක්ටි්රයෙ නිෂ්පාදනය කරන්නේ රබර් අත් මේස්. නිෂ්පාදන කටයුතු සඳහා පවුඩර් එකක්
දුන්නේ කවුද මේ දුක රතුපස්වලට
මේ වතුරෙන් මූණ හේදුවොත් ඇස් අන්ධ වෙනවා...
නාන්න, බොන්න බෑ...!
ප්රදේශය පුරා ජල ටැංකිය. තැන තැන කතා බහ කරන්නෙත් වතුර ගැනය. මුළු ප්රදේශයම ගල් වැදුණු දෙබරයක් වැනිය. අප එම ප්රදේශයට යන විටත් මහර ආසන සංවිධායක ලසන්ත අලගියවන්න නියෝජ්ය ඇමැතිතුමා ප්රමුඛ මන්ත්රීවරු කිහිප දෙනෙක්ම වැලිවේරිය සභාවේ පන්සලට රැස් වී ජල ගැටලුව සම්බන්ධයෙන් ප්රදේශවාසීන් සමග සාකච්ඡා කරමින් සිටියහ. ගම්වැසියෝ විශාල පිරිසක් එතැන වූහ. අපි එතැනට යන විටත් ගම්මුන්ගේ ප්රශ්න පොදිය ඇමැතිවරයා ඉදිරියේ ලිහා අවසන්ය. කතා බහ තරමක් ඝෝෂාකාරීය. අපි ද සවන් දී සිටියෙමු.
"සර්... මේ ප්රශ්නය අද ඊයේ ආපු එකක් නෙමෙයි. මේ පැක්ටි්රය පටන් අරගෙන දැන් අවුරුදු පහළොවකටත් වැඩියි. මුලින්ම පැක්ටි්රයෙන් පිට කරන විෂ ද්රව්ය නිසා පහළ කුඹුරු කරන්න බැහැ කියලා මිනිස්සු පාරට බැස්සා. හිමින් සරේ ඒක යට යෑව්වා. ඊට පස්සේ විෂ දුම් පිට කරන එකට විරුද්ධව මිනිස්සු පාරට බැස්සා. ඒකත් යට ගියා. දැන් අපේ ගම්වල කිසිම ළිඳකින් වතුර බොන්න බැහැ. රජයේ රස පරීක්ෂකවරු ඇවිත් ජල සම්පල් ගෙනිහින් දැන් දවස් ගානක් වෙනවා තවම වාර්තා නැහැ. මීට ඉස්සරත් පැක්ටි්රයට විරුද්ධව මිනිස්සු පාරට බැහැපු අස්ථාවල මන්ත්රීවරු ඇවිත් බොරු කියලා ප්රශ්නය යට ගැහුවා. මේ පාර නම් එහෙම කරන්න දෙන්නෙ නැහැ. දැන දැනත් අපිට ඇසිඩ් බීලා මැරෙන්න බැහැ...
"අපි ළිඳෙන් වතුර ඇදගෙන බීපු මිනිස්සු. අපිට ඔය ක්ලෝරීන් වතුර බීලා පුරුදු නැහැ. ගම පුරා තියෙන ටැංකිවලට ගහන වතුරවලත් රොඩු. අනිත් එක ඒ වතුර කොහෙන් ගේනවාද කියලා අපි දන්නෙත් නැහැ."
"හරි... හරි... අපි මේ ප්රශ්නයට ඉක්මනට විසඳුමක් හොයනවා. එතකම් ඔය ටැංකිවල වතුර බොන්න කෝ..."
ගම්වැසි කාන්තාවගේ දිගට ඇදෙන කතාවට බලහත්කාරයෙන් විරාමයක් තැබූ ඇමැතිවරයා උණුසුම් ස්වභාවය මඟහරින්නට නිවුණු විසඳුමක් දුන්නේය. ඇමැතිවරයාගේ විසඳුම ගැන සෑහීමකට පත් නොවූ ගම්මු උරණ වූහ. මිනිස්සු කියන්නේ කුමක්දැයි හරි හැටි තේරුම් ගැනීමට නොහැකි තරමට ඝෝෂාව වැඩි විය. එන පොට හොඳ නැති බව දැන් ගත් මැති ඇමැතිවරු එතැනින් හිමින් සෑරේ ලිස්සා සැප වාහනවලට නැඟ යන්න ගියහ.
සියනෑකෝරළය යනු ලංකාවේ පිරිසිදුම ජල සම්පතට උරුමකම් කියන ප්රදේශයකි. එහෙත් අද සියනෑවේ ගම්මාන දොළහක ජලය පානයට නුසුදුසු බව ජාතික ජල සම්පාදන සහ ජලාපවහන මණ්ඩලය දැනුම් දී ඇත. එනම් නැදුන්ගමුව, රතුපස්වල, ඇඹරළුව, සිවුරළුමුල්ල, ඌරුවල, බුත්පිටිය, මාහරගම, පිළිකුත්තුව, කතුරුවත්ත, කිඹුල්ගොඩ, මල්වතුහිරිපිටිය, මාලිගාතැන්න සහ වැලිවේරිය යන ගම්මාන මේ ව්යසනයට මුහුණු පා සිටී.
"මම ඔය පැක්ටි්රයෙ අවුරුදු ගාණක් වැඩ කරපු කෙනෙක්... මම හොඳට දන්නවා ඕක ඇතුළෙ වෙන දේවල්. ඒ දේවල් ගැන අහන්න ගිහින් තමයි අපිව ඕකෙන් එළියට දැම්මෙත්..."
පිරිස අතරින් එක් තරුණයෙක් පෙරට පැමිණ කතාවට එසේ මුල පිරුවේය. ඔහු චමින්ද විඡේසේකරය. දැන් අපි ඔහුගේ කතාවට සවන් දෙමු.
ඔය පැක්ටි්රයෙ නිෂ්පාදනය කරන්නේ රබර් අත් මේස්. නිෂ්පාදන කටයුතු සඳහා පවුඩර් එකක්
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Let Nethuki hear your voice of LOVE
ජීවිතයේ හඩ අසන්නට පුන්චි දොනිට උදව්වන්න ........
පුන්චි නෙතුකිගෙ කතාව......
මේ ඔබ දකින අවුරුදු දෙකක් වයසති පුන්චි දියනිය නමින් එච්.එම්.නෙතුකි අකින්සා දුම්මලසුරිය වතුවත්ත පදින්චි එච්.එම්.රසික සුදර්ශන හා එච්.ඒ.අනුශ්කා රසාන්ජලී දෙපලගෙ එකම දියනියයි.
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Friday, April 19, 2013
Cheers in Boston and Sri Lanka
Cheers erupt on Boston-area streets after suspect's
arrest (ending the horrific 5 day period)
hearted Sri Lankan beasts cheers in streets after the death of world’s infamous
democratic symbol Mr Prabhakaran of LTTE (ending over 10 000 joyful days of LTTE’s
humane bombs – facilitated by International gods India, America, Canada, Norway and UK)
Boston Cheers
Sri Lankan Cheers
End of two terrorists
End of world’s most dangerous terrorism
LTTE (according to FBI)
End of Horror for 5 days
End of 10000 days of horror
Lost 3 innocent lives
Lost over 50,000 innocent civil lives
3 families sobbing
over 100000 families sobbing, widows, orphans, disabled
CNN BBC – Real Victory of the people
CNN BBC – Dirty work of Sri Lanka, Peace
talks should have done, Now let us kill Sri Lanka with our newly found best
weapon – Human Rights
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Messing with Sri Lanka - by an Indian
Messing with Sri Lanka
ByBharat Karnad
05th April 2013
It was the early 1980s when, as I recall, Anton Balasingham, “foreign minister” of the “Tamil Eelam” walked into my office, and vehemently protested a piece I had written warning of the dangers of being sucked into the Sri Lankan civil strife that was soon to morph into a full-fledged civil war with not little help from India. The Liberation Tigers of the Tamil Eelam (LTTE) cadres were trained by the Indian external intelligence agency, RAW, in guerrilla tactics, including demolitions, and in setting up a covert logistics chain. The Jaffna Tamils proved a highly motivated lot and clearly good pupils. Indeed, they attained proficiency so quickly that, in short order, this militant group emerged as the finest, most dreaded guerrilla force, and its leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, as possibly the most brilliant tactician, effective strategist, and ruthless contemporary exponent of guerilla warfare in recent times. He expeditiously despatched budding competition within the Tamil rebel ranks, managed overseas supply of arms and ammunition for his forces, drove the Sri Lankan army into the ground, and ran circles around the Indian Peace Keeping Force after it entered the fray in 1987.
Besides his battlefield acumen and exploits, Prabhakaran’s leadership and motivational skills were such that there was never any shortage of Jaffna youth willingly donning explosive jackets, sharing farewell meals with the Jefe Maximo (supreme leader), and embarking on suicide missions to create unimaginable mayhem in Sinhala strongholds. In fact, so remarkable was Prabhakaran’s hold on, and leadership of, the LTTE that it neutralised the Indian Army contingent sent on coercive “peace making” at the “invitation” of that old fox, Sri Lanka President J. R. Jayawardene. India was thus hoist with the contingent containment of LTTE, a force the Indian government with its usual strategic myopia, had empowered. In other words, Colombo tasked the Indian Dr. Frankenstein to slay the monster he had created.
Predictably, the IPKF failed despite deploying helicopter gunships and tanks to assist the 80,000-strong force comprising four army divisions. The Indian Army, that had barely got the handle on insurgencies in the northeast by then, was pitchforked into an alien milieu where friends were foes, and there was no consensus about what to do or how to do it.
It lost more men — some 1,200 in operations than in any other single conflict since Independence. One can understand why the Sri Lanka Army, facing so formidable an adversary, prosecuted its actions in the final phase with such extreme prejudice.
I elaborated for Balasingham the arguments I had made against an Indian role in stoking separatist sentiments and helping the Tamil insurgency in Sri Lanka, or any other adjoining state — which case holds to this day. Politically, I said it was dangerous for India — itself a patch-work of different sub-nationalities, to encourage the fissiparous tendencies within neighbouring countries in a region of overlapping ethnicities and loyalties, because that would legitimate similar foreign attempts at balkanising India, and that such involvement would inevitably draw the Indian military into the actual fighting. Once that happened, I told him, it would be a disaster for the Indian armed forces because, as per historical experience, embroilment in civil strife usually bodes ill for the intervening foreign entity. Besides risking life and limb of Indian soldiers, it would, I ventured, tar the reputation of the Indian Army and, worse, end up seeding lasting ill-will in a previously friendly country. Unhappily, all these came to pass. Balasingham, however, remained unconvinced, maintaining that India could not “wash its hands” off the Eelam, or “disown its blood ties” with the Tamils in Sri Lanka.
The Indian armed intervention combining with the pro-consular attitude of the Indian High Commissioner in Colombo at the time, J.N. Dixit, moreover, left a deeply negative impress in Colombo, generating enduring resentment of India that President Mahinda Rajapaksa has mined to consolidate his rule in that country. It fuelled the Sri Lankan policy in the last decade of actively courting China which, beyond Humbantota, may soon fetch Beijing an oil tank farm and a naval presence in Trincomalee, a deep water port Nelson called the finest in the Indian Ocean.
Fortunately, the Indian government is now determined to go only so far in placating popular sentiments in Tamil Nadu, whence the half-hearted attempt in Geneva to introduce the word “genocide” into the UN Human Rights resolution targeting Sri Lanka but only after first alerting Colombo lest this move be perceived as other than a cursory blow to domestic politics. It was followed by External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid rejecting outright the main planks of the resolution passed by the Tamil Nadu Assembly — moving a resolution in the UN for a referendum on the Eelam in Sri Lanka, treating that country as unfriendly, and imposing economic sanctions on it.
What is incomprehensible is not that the recent events reinforce the reality of Tamil Nadu state politics adversely impacting bilateral relations with Sri Lanka. Colombo is familiar with New Delhi’s predicament on this score. Nor is it particularly surprising that the opposition DMK withdrew its support to the UPA coalition government headed by Manmohan Singh, and together with the ruling AIADMK and other Tamil parties is engaged in competitive pandering to the street sentiments. This has involved actions ranging from petty (disrupting sports ties) to vicious (not discouraging assaults on visiting Sri Lankan Buddhist monks) to foolish (demanding the arrest of the Sri Lankan High Commissioner, Prasad Kariyawasam, for his factual statement that the Sinhalese too are ethnically of Orissa Indian stock). But the calm, calculating, and sure-footed AIADMK chief minister of Tamil Nadu, Jayalalithaa, who has a better shot at the prime ministership if a Third Front materialises after the 2014 general elections than, say, the blustery Hindi-heartland hankerer for the job Mulayam Singh, has foreign policy-wise made a mistake. Sympathetic noises supportive of the Tamil community across the Palk Strait is one thing. Going the extra steps to reinforce fear in the minds of the Sri Lankan people can, however, become a liability for a prospective PM.
Bharat Karnad is professor at Centre for Policy
Research and blogs at www.bharatkarnad.com
Himalayan Blunder
Thu, 2013-04-04
By Inderjit Badhwar
In voting against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC for a second time, New Delhi made a pusillanimous display of Pax Indiana's opacity in a region crucial to its geopolitical stability and security. And New Delhi has missed out on or deliberately ignored crucial home truths
Inderjit Badhwar
First of these is that Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa is a diehard nationalist who so far resisted the terrific pressure he has been under from the JVP and JHU for "being an Indian stooge." His base of support is now rock solid within his own country and he enjoys great relations with Malaysia, Indionesia, Vietnam, Russia, China, Argentina, Uruguay, Bhutan, Pakistan, (!!), Nepal etc.
Whatever the human rights abuses, he may be accused of, he is no Pol Pot or Idi Amin, and SL is NOT a Banana Republic no matter how autocratic the Rajapaksa brothers may be made out to be by their detractors. try to be.
Any R2P (right to protect) ideas that the US/NATO may have in SL are not going to wash after the miserable experiments in Libya, Syria and Mali that have wreaked mayhem and threaten to spread anarchy.
I think Rajapaksa would be far more sympathetic to Indian concerns in his country and respond dramatically and positively if India behaves like a regional superpower and display some independence rather than appearing to be a new satellite of the US/NATO interest.
India has an overriding interest in ensuring that Sri Lanka is not converted into a region for big power rivalries and there is no better person to ensure that than Rajapaksa. Had the US not backed Batista and sided with the Cuban revolution instead of alienating Castro-- he could have been the best friend America had in that region and Castro's Communism would have been more benign.
We dont want another Cuba in our backyard. Rajapaksa is hardboiled, earthy like Kamaraj, with the fiercely independent streak of Hugo Chavez and Castro and Allende. Do not misjudge him. He is still a true friend of India but getting angrier by the day.
voting against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC
Himalayan Blunder
Thu, 2013-04-04
By Inderjit Badhwar
In voting against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC for a second time, New Delhi made a pusillanimous display of Pax Indiana's opacity in a region crucial to its geopolitical stability and security. And New Delhi has missed out on or deliberately ignored crucial home truths
Inderjit Badhwar
First of these is that Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa is a diehard nationalist who so far resisted the terrific pressure he has been under from the JVP and JHU for "being an Indian stooge." His base of support is now rock solid within his own country and he enjoys great relations with Malaysia, Indionesia, Vietnam, Russia, China, Argentina, Uruguay, Bhutan, Pakistan, (!!), Nepal etc.
Whatever the human rights abuses, he may be accused of, he is no Pol Pot or Idi Amin, and SL is NOT a Banana Republic no matter how autocratic the Rajapaksa brothers may be made out to be by their detractors. try to be.
Any R2P (right to protect) ideas that the US/NATO may have in SL are not going to wash after the miserable experiments in Libya, Syria and Mali that have wreaked mayhem and threaten to spread anarchy.
I think Rajapaksa would be far more sympathetic to Indian concerns in his country and respond dramatically and positively if India behaves like a regional superpower and display some independence rather than appearing to be a new satellite of the US/NATO interest.
India has an overriding interest in ensuring that Sri Lanka is not converted into a region for big power rivalries and there is no better person to ensure that than Rajapaksa. Had the US not backed Batista and sided with the Cuban revolution instead of alienating Castro-- he could have been the best friend America had in that region and Castro's Communism would have been more benign.
We dont want another Cuba in our backyard. Rajapaksa is hardboiled, earthy like Kamaraj, with the fiercely independent streak of Hugo Chavez and Castro and Allende. Do not misjudge him. He is still a true friend of India but getting angrier by the day.
An almost unspeakable truth - The Vietnam War (Real Human Rights Violators are & were ?)
The Vietnam War: An almost unspeakable truth
(America’s 50-year ‘cover-up’finally unravels) By Selvam Canagara
“’Terrorism’ is what we call the violence of the weak, and we condemn it; ‘war’ is what we call the violence of the strong, and we glorify it.” – Sydney J. Harris, in ‘Clearing the Ground (1986)’
It’s hard to believe that half a century later – besides 30,000 books on the subject and still counting – Americans were no-where near the truth about the Vietnam War until, that is, Nick Turse’s just published book: ‘Kill Anything that Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam’.
“The findings disclose an almost unspeakable truth,” wrote Jonathan Schell, a Fellow at the Nation Institute, in his review of the book for the TomDispatch website.“Meticulously piecing together newly released classified information court-martial records, Pentagon reports, and first-hand interviews in Vietnam and the United States, as well as contemporaneous press accounts and secondary literature, Turse discovered that episodes of devastation, murder, massacre, rape, and torture once considered isolated atrocities, were in fact, the norm, adding up to a continuous stream of atrocity, unfolding, year after year, throughout that country.”
Reviewer Schell claims that his “angle of vision” on the Vietnam War was “a highly particular one”and goes on to explain that in early August 1967 he arrived in South Vietnam to report for the New Yorker on the ‘air war.’ The phrase was a misnomer, The Vietnamese foe, of course, had no assets in the air in the South, and so there was no war of that description.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Eat more GM Products - Genetically Modified Foods
GMO acreage reaches new high
21.02.2013 - Global acreage of biotech crops have increased by 6% last year. Europe contributes only 0.075%.
Brussels/Manila - Genetically modified (GM) soybeans, maize, cotton and rapeseed were planted on 170.3 million hectares last year, according to figures from the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA). However, the adoption of biotech crops has become slower. After double digit growth rates three years ago, this year the cultivation area increased only by 6 percent or 10.3 million hectares compared to 2011.
However, Europe remains a minor player in the growing market for GMOs due to public hostility to GMOs. The EU countries grew 129,071 hectares of Bt maize, about 14,000 hectares more than in 2011. Spain remained the leading EU country for GMO acreage with 116,306 hectares in 2012. Poland discontinued the planting of biotech maize. The US (69.5m ha, +0.7%), Brazil (36.6m ha, +20,8%), Argentina (23.9m ha, +0,8%), Canada (11.6m ha, +11,5), and India (10.6m ha, +1,8%) were the leading GMO producers. Global Adoption of GM soybeans (+8%), cotton (+7%), maize (+4%), and rapeseed (+5%) increased as compared to 2011.
"There is one principal and overwhelming reason that underpins the trust and confidence of farmers in biotechnology: biotech crops deliver substantial, and sustainable, socio-economic and environmental benefits," stressed ISAAA chief Clive James. In fact, German BASF and Monsanto both filed for US approval of the first drought-tolerant crop last year. However, the US Department of Agriculture recently delayed the approval of new herbicide-tolerant GMOs because weeds are becoming more and more resistant to the herbicide Glyphosate, which is marketed together with Glyphosate-tolerant GMOs since 1996.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Russian meteorite crash
(Reuters) - A meteor streaked across the sky and exploded over central Russia on Friday, sending fireballs crashing to earth which shattered windows and damaged buildings, injuring more than 500 people.
People heading to work in Chelyabinsk heard what sounded like an explosion, saw a bright light and then felt a shockwave, according to a Reuters correspondent in the industrial city 950 miles east of Moscow.
The fireball, travelling at a speed of 19 miles per second according to Russia's space agency Roscosmos, had blazed across the horizon, leaving a long white trail in its wake which could be seen as far as 125 miles away.
Car alarms went off, windows broke and mobile phone networks were interrupted. The Interior Ministry said the meteor explosion had caused a sonic boom.
"I was driving to work, it was quite dark, but it suddenly became as bright as if it was day," said Viktor Prokofiev, 36, a resident of Yekaterinburg in the Urals Mountains.
"I felt like I was blinded by headlights," he said.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
New Grantee Program for Young Sri Lankan Scientists

Avonpc’s New Grantee Program*

Avon Pharmo Chem (Pvt) Ltd is pleased to announce the New Grantee Program, the first of its kind in Sri Lanka for the life science researchers.
AvonPC is one of the leading life science suppliers in Sri Lanka with the partnership of world leading brands like PROMEGA & IDT. We launch this as an accomplishment of Avonpc’s Corporate Social Responsibilityactivity for the development of life science sector in Sri Lanka.(Please email to dilip@avonpclk.com for more details of the products offered through this program)
Program Information:
New Research Grantees can order products for their life science research project at a specially discounted price ranging from 10-30% less than list price. Products can be of different research areas like Genomics,Proteomics and Cell based assays and at the same time general instruments and laboratory consumables are also included into the products list. Scientists involving in Drug Discoveries or Biobanking are encouraged to contact us for special packages for total solutions.
Offers made during the given period of this program shall be valid for 6 months or the entire year depending on the brand.**
How to get the benefit:
One member of the research team shall email the details of grant, title, principal investigator, team, contacts and the products to be purchased including purchasing schedule. The details will be registered and when the official quotations are called, the special discounts will be applied to the registered grants.
Anyone of the researchers with their first grant for the commencement of life science research career is eligible for the special discounted offers. Researchers having first Grants from other sources may also contact us with grant details for other options.
Validity of Offers:
Offers are made from 13th February 2013 to 13th April 2013 only.
For more information or clarification, please contact Dilip K Fernando 0715454369,dilip@avonpclk.com
Products offered through the new grantee program
Promega Genomics 15% OFF
DNA/RNA Purification Kits – Cost-effective options for multiple sample types and volumes
PCR Reagents – Sensitive, reproducible reagents and kits for PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR and RT-qPCR including GoTaq DNA Polymerase, Reverse transcriptases, master mixes and etc
Subcloning Tools – Competent cells, vectors, enzymes and more
Maxwell® 16 Instrument Reagents – Cost effective, reliable, automated DNA, RNA, and polyhistidine protein purification
Promega Proteomics 30% OFF
In Vivo Protein Expression Systems: Choose from bacterial or mammalian systems
HaloTag® Protein Fusion Tag Technology – A multifunctional fusion tag for complete protein analysis
Cell-Free In Vitro Protein Expression – Rapid production of functional proteins in hours
Promega Cell-Based Assays 20% OFF
Cell Viability, Toxicity and Apoptosis Assays – Sensitive tools to understand cellular health
Reporter Vectors and Assays – Based on the highly sensitive and robust luciferase systems
Transfection Reagents – High efficiency, low toxicity FuGENE® Transfection Reagents
Promega Instruments 10% OFF
Instruments – Luminometers, fluorometers, microplate readers, and semi-automated DNA purification
Primers and Other oligo products (Integrated DNA Technologies - IDT ) – 10% OFF
Laboratory Consumables 15% OFF
Glassware – Flasks, Beakers, burettes, pipettes and etc
Plastic consumables – micropipette tips, tubes, cryo vials, freezer boxes, cryogenic storage boxes and etc
Laboratory Equipments 10% OFF
HPLC, Fume Hood, Laminar Airflow cabinets, Biosafty Cabinets, sterilizers, autoclave, Freezers and etc
Monday, February 4, 2013
Changumi - Sujatha Diyani drama information and pictures
Here is a set of information on the Changumi or Sujatha Diyani tele drama and relevant Korean cultures
Daejanggeum(Jewel in the Palace) | |
Production : Producer Cho jung-hyeon / Screenwriter Kim Yeong-hyeon / Director: Lee Byeong-hun Main Casts :Lee Young-Ae, Ji Jin-Hee Hong Li-Na, Im Ho, Yang Mi-gyeong, Gyeon Mi-ri | |
• Synopsis | |
Jang-geum (played by Lee Young-ae) is the daughter of Seo Cheon-su (played by Park Chan-hwan), a former judicial officer-turned butcher (the lowest social class) who lives in hiding after being expelled from the royal palace, and Madame Park (played by Kim Hye-seon), a former court lady working in the royal kitchen who narrowly escaped death following a murderous conspiracy planned by Court Lady Choi. As a young child, Jang-geum loses both parents and enters the royal palace in the kitchen. In the royal kitchen, she spends a harsh childhood in continuous competition with Choi Geum-yeong (played by Hong Li-na). Under the protection and tutelage of Court Lady Han, Jang-geum makes every effort to become the best cook in the palace. Her endeavors enable her to become a recognized cook; but Lady Choi and her faction, jealous of the success of Lady Han and Jang-geum, plot a conspiracy, which leads to the death of Lady Han and Jang-geum’s expulsion from the royal palace. Jang-geum is relegated to the position of maidservant for the local government office on Jeju Island. While in exile, Jang-geum learns medicine. Through native intelligence and patient efforts, she earns her reputation as a woman doctor on the island. After a time, she returns to the palace, where she is recognized by the king and becomes the royal physician, and also the first female physician in history to serve the king. The king falls in love with her, but she cannot return his love, as she is already in love with Min Jung-Ho, who has stood by her side during the most difficult times. * The concluding part omitted.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Who Is God & Where is He?
Traditional Concepts of God has to be changed now!
The World of believers are pleading for the God's revelation
How many religions exist on earth as you know ?
The World of believers are pleading for the God's revelation
How many religions exist on earth as you know ?
There are about 21 major world religions today.
Approximately half of the total world population (3.5 Billion) believes in One God with full comprehensive power of the universe.
Major part of the other believers believes or follows set of theories that has a direct link with forces of the universe.
About 1 billion people do not profess belief in any religion. But lot of them are nature lovers (at least since recent past)
We do not say any religion is right or wrong. But we see a lot of similarities in one aspect - bend towards the NATURE (Power of Universe + its expressions)
So we claim
Our Belief is God is the Nature. The Nature is the Creator
Somebody might think, this is a common or simple expressions that cannot be argued on. Because it is the truth.
But What is the new thing in this claim?
This Nature has some powers than what we normally think of. Yes, Nature (God) has forces of our studies like light, magnetic, cosmic, pressure, gravitational, electricity, sound and etc
But this God has natural forces that we can not scientifically touch (as yet). These natural forces can think beyond our imagination and work independently to "keep the balance of the universe".
In future we will work with natural forces as well.
We value your ideas on this regards.
All the Human Being has been created by (God) Nature. So We all should gather together to worship/respect/protect/work for One true God who makes us exist in this universe.
Wiki information on world religions
1. Christianity 2.1 billion
2. Islam 1.3 billion
3. Secular/Irreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.1 billion
4. Hinduism 900 million
5. Chinese traditional religion 394 million
6. Buddhism 376 million (see also buddhism by country)
7. Primal indigenous 300 million
8. African traditional and diasporic 100 million
9. Sikhism 23 million
10. Juche 19 million
11. Spiritism 15 million
12. Judaism 14 million
13. Bahá'í Faith 7 million
14. Jainism 4.2 million
15. Shinto 4 million
16. Cao Dai 4 million
17. Zoroastrianism 2.6 million
18. Tenrikyo 2 million
19. Neopaganism 1 million
20. Unitarian Universalism 800,000
21. Rastafari movement 600,000
2. Islam 1.3 billion
3. Secular/Irreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.1 billion
4. Hinduism 900 million
5. Chinese traditional religion 394 million
6. Buddhism 376 million (see also buddhism by country)
7. Primal indigenous 300 million
8. African traditional and diasporic 100 million
9. Sikhism 23 million
10. Juche 19 million
11. Spiritism 15 million
12. Judaism 14 million
13. Bahá'í Faith 7 million
14. Jainism 4.2 million
15. Shinto 4 million
16. Cao Dai 4 million
17. Zoroastrianism 2.6 million
18. Tenrikyo 2 million
19. Neopaganism 1 million
20. Unitarian Universalism 800,000
21. Rastafari movement 600,000
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Changumi marila ( Jang Geum Mai of Sujatha Diyaniya drama)
Is Changumi Dead? Changumi Marunada?
read below to see what has happened and what will happen ( from Wikipedea)
රූපවාහිනි සංස්ථාව මගින් විකාශය කරන "සුජාත දියණි " නම් මෙම අර්ථවත් කථා පෙළ සෑම සතියේ දිනකම පස්වරු 6.30 ට රූපවාහිනී නාලිකාව ඔස්සේ ඔබට නැරඹීය හැක. මෙම කොරියානු කථා පෙළ සිංහල හඬ කවා මහත් වෙහෙසකින් අප හට ඉදිරිපත් කරන රූපවාහිනී සංස්ථාවට සහ එම කාර්ය මණ්ඩලයට අපගේ ස්තුතිය
The Story begins
Starring Lee Young Ae, it tells the tale of an orphaned kitchen cook who went on to become the king's first female physician. In a time when women held little influence in society, young apprentice cook Jang Geum strives to learn the secrets of Korean cooking and medicine in order to cure the King of his various ailments. It is based on the true story of Jang-geum, the first female royal physician of the Joseon Dynasty. The main themes are her perseverance and the portrayal of traditional Korean culture, including Korean royal court cuisine and traditional medicine.
[edit] Synopsis
The story is set in Korea during the reigns of King Seongjong (1457–1494), King Yeonsan-gun (1494–1506) and King Jungjong (1506–1544).[edit] Executions
At the outset, King Seongjong has ordered the execution by poisoning of his deposed wife Deposed Queen Lady Yun, the mother of the first-born son, the young crown prince (the future Prince Yeonsan). After carrying out the execution, one of the royal guards, Seo Cheon-soo, is haunted by the execution. On his way home, he suffers an accident and is rescued by a mysterious hermit with a cryptic message—that his life will revolve around three women: the first he will be forced to kill; another he will save, but will die because of him; and the third will kill him, but will go on to save many lives. It doesn't become clear until later in the story that the three women are the poisoned Deposed Queen Lady Yun, Park Myeong-yi (Seo's eventual wife and the mother of Jang-geum) and Jang-geum (the main character and Seo's only daughter). Haunted by the curse of the executed deposed Queen Consort, and his prophesied fate at the hands of the third woman, he abandons his post and also becomes a hermit, refusing to take a wife.[edit] Park Myeong-yi
After many years, the former king dies and the Crown Prince ascends the throne as the 10th King of Joseon. Park Myeong-yi is a palace girl (orgungnyeo) and apprentice cook of the royal kitchen (sooratgan). She witnesses a fellow apprentice, a girl from the powerful Choi clan named Choi Seong-geum, slip poison into the Great Royal Dowager Queen's food. Unaware that the senior kitchen officers are part of a conspiracy against the said Queen, Myeong-yi informs the fragrance kitchen officer Kim sanggong (choigo sanggung).[2] The officers, fearful that Myeong-yi might reveal their conspiracy, attempt to murder her. Myeong-yi's best friend, Han Baek-yeong, witnesses the crime and manages to secretly save her (by hurriedly diluting the poison with an antidote). She leaves the unconscious Myeong-yi a letter explaining what had happened. As Seo Cheon-soo wanders through the forest in his self-imposed hermitage, he stumbles upon the half-conscious Myeong-yi. He rescues her and the two fall in love and marry. They end up living peacefully in a remote village as lower caste commoners (Seo Cheon-soo posing as a butcher and village weapon smith) and raise a clever daughter named Seo Jang-geum.[edit] Jang-geum
In 1504, Prince Yeonsan orders the execution of people responsible for his mother (Queen Consort Jeheon)'s death, thereby launching the notoriousLiterati Purges of 1504.Sunday, January 13, 2013
AvonPC: NSF GRANT DEADLINE EXTENDED: * Deadline to reach applications at NSF is extended up to January 31st, 2013 ** National Science Foundation (NSF) promotes technology de...
Saturday, January 12, 2013
FAKE ALIENS through Saruwath Rains
Please read following article from Wiki
Ask those prodigies following details
Why do you prejudice on aliens? Why not local think like spore/bacteria/fungi etc?
If you observe cell walls, did you try to think genetic matter? (DNA/RNA)
Do you want to be famous (ultimately notorious) ?
What about fish rains?
Wiki article
Ask those prodigies following details
Why do you prejudice on aliens? Why not local think like spore/bacteria/fungi etc?
If you observe cell walls, did you try to think genetic matter? (DNA/RNA)
Do you want to be famous (ultimately notorious) ?
What about fish rains?
Wiki article
The Kerala red rain phenomenon was a blood rain (red rain) event that occurred from July 25 to September 23, 2001, when heavy downpours of red-coloured rain fell sporadically on the southern Indian state of Kerala, staining clothes pink.[1] Yellow, green, and black rain was also reported.[2][3][4]Colored rain was also reported in Kerala in 1896 and several times since,[5] most recently in June 2012.[6][7]
It was initially thought that the rains were colored by fallout from a hypothetical meteor burst,[clarification needed] but a study commissioned by theGovernment of India concluded that the rains had been colored by airborne spores from locally prolific terrestrial algae.[5]
It was not until early 2006 that the colored rains of Kerala gained widespread attention when the popular media reported that Godfrey Louis and Santhosh Kumar of the Mahatma Gandhi University in Kottayam proposed a controversial argument that the colored particles were extraterrestrialcells.[3][8][9]
Red rains were also reported from November 15, 2012 to December 27, 2012 occasionally in eastern and north-central provinces of Sri Lanka,[10] where scientists from the Sri Lanka Medical Research Institute (MRI) are investigating to ascertain their cause.[11][12][13]
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